Chèque service portal
Declare your employees online !
100% Online
A simple and user-friendly web tool
Online declaration: every month, declare the hours worked by your cleaner, gardener or domestic help.
Simple and secure access: easily use the Portal wherever and whenever you wish.
100% Geneva: you have access to advice from our local team of professionals who will answer your questions, guide you and help you to declare wages to social security schemes.
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A tool to make your life easier.
What are the advantages of using the Portal ?
  • Click
    A monthly declaration for your employees in five clicks.
    Every month, declare the hours worked by your domestic employee.
  • Charge
    Online access to your statement of contributions.
    View your employer account and declared wages, and modify your contractual relations directly online.
  • Facture
    No more need for an invoice.

    A simple e-banking transaction is enough to cover the monthly contributions.
  • Attention
    No more need for coupons or checkbooks.
    Remember to keep a register of hours and wages and have your employee sign it.
How should I declare my employees ?
Frequently asked questions